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Federal government tentative offer rescinded Form: What You Should Know

I understand that the MSB might have jurisdiction  but does the US Government Accountability Office (GAO) have jurisdiction over a revocation of a job offer? Jul 23, 2025 — I'm an applicant working in the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) and the government announced a policy for making  an offer from the federal government to a new employee and said, “all federal agencies are to send out “Tentative Job Offer” letters” I understand that there are two kinds of “Tentative Offer” letters—a final offer, i.e. a contract or a hiring order, and an  initial offer, called an “acceptance” letter. What if there are two “acceptance” letters in the “acceptance” box and the  OIL issues an “adjudication of receipt” letter for the two “acceptance” letters? The adjudication of receipt is  called a “certificate by letter”, and my question is, do I have to go through the process of  certifying that I have had my “acceptance” letter revoked for having the other “Certificate by letter” “acceptation” letter? I have found that some agencies issue the “acceptance” letter after the offer is  made. Is this legal? Can I go through the process of having my “certificate by letter” affirmed? Agency Decision To Revoke Tentative Job Offer Not Appealable You must follow the following steps as a new employee who receives a job offer from any federal agency— “If you are not in the government as of July 21, 2020, then you are eligible to accept and to sign a new  tentative job offer” “It is your responsibility to notify us of the offer (TENTATIVE job offer) you are accepting.” “The new offer does not terminate” “Tentative Job Offer”  “must be submitted by no later than July 21, 2020” “The new offer must be in writing “No electronic forms of this document” “Acceptance letters must be postmarked no later than July 21, 2020” “If you were to accept “Certificate by letter” as your Acceptance Letter, you must sign it when accepting your offer.

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