Hi, I'm Rob Hague, the director of Vision SF50 Flight Training and Operations. We're here in Duluth, Minnesota on a gorgeous day, and we're about to fly in an experimental Vision Jet. Come with me, this will be a great flight. A great flight starts with a good pre-flight. Join me on the walk-around. First thing, I'm going to jump up on the wing so we can have a look down the engine. I can see some engine probes, I see the N1 fan disc, we've got our aileron controls. I'm going to go through the range of motion, make sure that nothing is binding. So here, we're looking at the flap. This is a Fowler flap design. With this flap design, this aircraft stalls in the 60s. It's unheard of to have an airplane of this category with a stall speed that's slow. And that brings us back to the aileron rolls, and then finally, the rudder. Beta flight control surfaces. This is planning our elevator inputs and our rudder inputs. I'm moving forward from the tail section, looking at the leading edge. I can see the icing boots, we also have those on the wing. Coming here, I can see the condition of the tire, the brake assembly, the strut assembly. And this beautiful landing gear is a trailing link design, so not only does it look good, it's amazing the absorption characteristics of this landing gear. The nose gear is free-castering. There's no connection between the rudder pedals and the nose gear in this aircraft, so when you're driving it on the ground, it feels just like an SR-22. It's fantastic. I think we're ready to get into the cockpit. We'll do a tour of the cockpit and then prepare the cockpit for our flight. One of...
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The premium pay can only be given once. The premium pay does not, however, go toward聽 the cost of an overseas assignment. The following personnel are authorized to receive the National Guard/Reserves Special Pay (NS/Res) Award, to be given to a member or member's immediate family for the period immediately following a deployment to active duty (including deployment to the active duty of a Reserve Member).聽 The NS/Res award will be given in the following circumstances: 1. When the member is:聽 路 Participating in the full-time National Guard or Reserve National Guard聽 路 Deploying to active duty as a member of the NSDAP in support of U.S. Armed Forces (or other U.S. Armed Forces) in hostilities or foreign operations;聽 路 Traveling or serving as the member's unit's adjutant or other unit employee; or 路 Traveling to or serving as an officer or noncommissioned officer in a command of the Armed Forces or of any United States department or agency. 2. By order of the Commander of any United States Armed Forces, to be presented by the unit's commander to:聽 路 A deployed member on active duty, or 路 A member of the unit's staff on full- or part-time reserve status. Award of the NS/Res award may be given on an annual basis upon the expiration of a member's current assignment in support of the U.S. Armed Forces. However, the award may not be used to pay salary. The unit commander is authorized to establish any other appropriate criteria for award of the NSDAP, such as any limitation on the number of awards the unit may give at a time. No more than three awards may be given in any 12-month period; and if any individual fails to receive one award for anyone continuous 12-month period under this procedure, the NS/Res award will be cancelled. The NS/Res award is a form of pre-determined supplemental pay for National Guard/Reserves who are in good standing with the US Armed Forces and who can meet the general requirements of the State in which he/she resides.
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